# | Document title | Authors | Year | Source | Cited by |
1 | Effectiveness of grass strips as barrier against runoff and soil loss in Jijiga area, northern part of Somali Region, Ethiopia | Welle S., Chantawarangul K., Nontananandh S., Jantawat S. | 2006 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 40(2),pp. 549-558 | 36 |
2 | Effect of thermal cycles on volumetric behaviour of Bangkok sand | Sittidumrong J., Jotisankasa A., Chantawarangul K. | 2019 | Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 20 | 30 |
3 | Prediction of soil loss in the northern part of Somali region of Ethiopia using empirical soil erosion models | Welle S., Welle S., Chantawarangul K., Nontanandh S., Jantawat S. | 2007 | Kasetsart Journal - Natural Science 41(1),pp. 109-122 | 3 |
4 | Investigation of the feasibility of energy piles in Bangkok and their impacts on pile behavior | Jotisankasa A., Chantawarangul K., Sittidumrong J., Thangkhumwong K., Aowphitak P., Laohasrisakul P., Chanchayanon T., Aonkam S., Satayanan S. | 2020 | E3S Web of Conferences 205 | 2 |
5 | Soil Exploration by Dynamic Light Penetrometer | Sakmanee A., Chantawarangul K. | 2003 | Proceedings of 41st Kasetsart University Annual Conference ,pp. 490-497 | 2 |
6 | Utilizing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Earthwork Fill Height Determination in Road Construction | Chonpatathip S., Suanpaga W., Chantawarangul K. | 2023 | International Journal of Geoinformatics 19(9),pp. 28-39 | 2 |
7 | Factor effecting consolidation and permeability of soft Bangkok clay | Khonchom T., Chantawarangul K. | 2004 | Proceedings of 42nd Kasetsart University Annual Conference ,pp. 58-65 | 0 |